Monday, August 23, 2010

Valentine's Day

** Another disappointing movie.  Even Mineko thought this movie was shallow and not worth the time spent watching it.  The only reason I gave it two stars was because of all the high-powered stars in this movie.  If you like seeing movies stars and you want to see a bunch of them in one movie, each with shallow and short parts, but they're there on the big screen... then this is the movie for you.  The whole premise somehow connecting all of these shallow love stories at the end of the movie just did not work.  A pure waste of talent and money.  Not recommended unless you're a real "entertainment tonight" type of fan.

1 comment:

  1. with all the hype leading up to this movie, i thought it would be a modern, current type of comedy-romance. like you, i was disappointed in the way things were meshed together & literally thrown about hoping nobody would notice how bad it really was. but my then 11-yr-old loved the movie ONLY because taylor launter (jacob from twilight) was in it. he was so lousy in this movie that i had to watch new moon again just to regain my confidence in his acting ability. please, no more v-day movies!
