Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

I'm still confused... A complex 1960s timeframe spy yarn about the British intelligence during the height of the Cold War. This was originally a quiet famous book, and I think this movie from last year was a remake. It's a great movie for spy buffs – but if you're looking for action and special effects this is not your cup of tea. The acting, cinematography and plot are all old school – unfolding with the slow pace and wonderful attention to detail. The problem is a lot of the characters looked and sounded very similar – "British white men" – so sometimes it was hard to remember who was who. Also, the movie flashed back and forward seamlessly – leaving me lost and confused at times. If you like spy movies you probably want to watch this more than once. If you prefer not to be challenged by a movie, in other words you like simple entertainment with a simple plot, this one is definitely not for you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

If you enjoyed the first two Mission impossible movies, you will definitely like this one. It is nonstop action from the beginning to the very end – over two hours of fantastic special effects, stunts and intrigue. The same basic story is all the Mission impossible movies – the MIF led by Ethan Hunt are once again disavowed by the secretary, but still have it in their hearts to try and save the world from total destruction. Spoiler alert! They do save the world once again! Action movies are fun for me, mindless and entertaining – this one fit the bill perfectly. There were a few light moments as well that came off pretty well, the last couple of minutes were pretty corny though...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ides of March

If you like political thrillers, you should really enjoy this movie. I thought it was excellent. The cast was great – George Clooney, Ryan Goslin, Paul Giamatti and others – all played perfect roles. The movie shows the very competitive and complicated world of political campaigns. Most interesting was the idea that even the smallest mistake could grow and morph into a huge problem, but driven politicians will do almost anything to cover up the issues and to succeed. Unfortunately, the movie seems almost too realistic – it leaves you with the feeling that our political system is really broken and corrupt.  Most of us probably agree that it is! So, if you don't mind being reminded about the corrupt political process in our country – and you enjoy a good thriller. This movie is for you!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


If you're old enough to remember the original "Arthur" like I am, then you will probably be disappointed with this movie. The English actor Russell Brand gives it a good try, but he does not come off as the lovable alcoholic billionaire that Dudley Moore captured in the original movies. Instead he comes across as a spoiled, obnoxious, millionaire drunk. I think this is one movie they definitely should not have tried to remake. Helen Mirren however, is the one saving grace in this movie and has some clever lines and good scenes.. If you like her it might be worth watching – but I doubt it! Don't bother unless you're really bored and you got nothing else to do.