Monday, October 21, 2013

Now you see me

Now you see me – now you don't! "Don't" as in DON'T BOTHER... I was sorely disappointed by this poorly acted and constructed movie. I was actually looking forward to watching this film. The previews looked like fun – magicians, bank heists, intrigue, and suspense. To the producer and director's credit, they did try to include these things, but unfortunately it all fell very flat. The acting was abysmal – and even Morgan Freeman sucked. Michael Caine was laughable. Woody Harrelson will regret this film no doubt... Mark Rufulo and "whatever" Eisenberg, I don't even care enough about them to spell their names correctly, were awful. The magician girl was bad, and the French girl was worse. To be fair, they had very little to work with. The plot had potential, but the script and the final product was atrociously shallow. We never really got to understand them or their real motivation. I never once empathized with the characters or rooted for them to succeed. They acted and looked like spoiled children the whole time, running around acting cool for no apparent reason. The "cool factor" got old very quickly. The idea that they were genius magicians never came across – their tricks, even with the use of special effects that digital film allowed, came across staged and lack luster. One trick with the stupid white rabbit had me gagging – come on! The writers could have/should have come up with something more original. If I had paid more than the four-dollar rental, I would've left the theater. As it was, comfortably in my bedroom, I forced myself to watch until the end. The writers attempted to tie everything up at the end, and answer all of the unanswered questions, but it was so far-fetched and poorly presented that I was happy when the final credits began to roll. Don't waste your time with this one!

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