Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shutter Island

**** Martin Scorsese creates a wonderful intertwining of reality and fantasy with this movie.  The story was very interesting and had a wonderful twist of plot at the end.  The blurry line between reality and insanity was palatable throughout the movie.  The characters, the sets and the photography moved the plot along wonderfully.  Leonardo DiCaprio did a great job, and he is not my favorite actor by far.  Some parts the movie were a little bit disturbing, but violent insanity is not supposed to be necessarily enjoyable to watch.  The connection to the Nazi concentration camps and the second world war seemed a little bit stretched, but still an integral part of the story.  I recommend this movie, for adults only.

1 comment:

  1. This was a good movie. I had just got done reading a book about the OSS/CIA when I watched this and this story seems like it could happen. I can't believe I did not see a twist at the end.
