Monday, July 1, 2013

Killing Them Softly

A dark and gritty crime drama set in 2008. Somehow the writer, director and producers tried to make the connection between the 2007 – 2008 United States/Wall Street financial collapse and the economic collapse of a local crime community because a couple of mob-protected poker games get robbed – pretty far-fetched! It didn't work for me. Instead of music or other white noise in the background, we hear radio and television snippets of the Wall Street collapse, government reaction, and Obama's 2008 election campaign speeches... This connection may have worked for some, but it just seemed to be out of place to me. The crime itself, robbing mobsters in their own poker game, seemed a little bit underwhelming as the main plot for a gangster movie. Though, the actual robbery was a little bit suspenseful. The crooks were dirty and greasy, you immediately don't like them. This is in almost comical contrast to the slick and clean Brad Pitt, who played the hitman hired to clean up the mess. Brad likes to "kill his victims softly," without fuss or emotional attachment – but the actual murder scenes are filmed with a gritty slow motion violence that is actually quite gripping, if you're into that kind of stuff. Normally, I find it entertaining, but only if there is a decent full-fledged story behind the violence – this film however, was all quite shallow. The actors were decent, and some of the dialogue was quite good. James Gandolfini (the Sopranos) played a sad but interesting part in the movie – I think this was his last major role. Unfortunately, this movie was a waste of time and a rental. Not recommended.

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