Saturday, April 13, 2013

Seven Psychopaths

If a movie about psychopaths can be considered funny, then this film fits the bill. It is as violent and intense as it is comedic and touching. It's really a story about friendship. Colin Farrell plays a likable drunkard trying to make a living in LA writing a movie script – he starts off with no ideas, just a good title "Seven Psychopaths." His best friend, Bill Rockwell, supports him, even going as far as creating his own version of a psychopath to be included in the script. Christopher Walken is another psychopath – friend with an amazing story. I always loved the understated comedy of Christopher Walken – and this movie is just perfect for him. The money he and Bill Rockwell make  from stealing dogs goes to pay for cancer treatment for Walken's psychopath wife. While Colin struggles with his script, his two friends continue to steal dogs in the neighborhoods of LA, and collect the monetary rewards from unsuspecting owners. Unfortunately, they steal a cute Shitzu from a gangster and bona fide psychopath, Woody Harrelson. These four actors do a superb job! And the supporting actors and actresses are so unique and well developed that they add significantly to the film. There really are seven psychopaths, each with their own horrible and unique story. The writing is clever, and the story is extremely intense and engaging. I found myself laughing at times, and at other times, cringing from the senseless violence. I immediately began to care about these psychopaths, and hoped that they somehow could escape the hellish world they had created. For adults only, certainly worth a rental!

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